Sarawak Public Holiday 2024

Sarawak Public Holiday 2024

Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia, with 27 major ethnicities and 74 minor ethnicities within the state. So, it’s no wonder this state has additional holidays that other states don’t. For example, only the states of Sarawak and Sabah have a Gawai Day and Good Friday celebration.

Sarawak is the largest state of Malaysia, located on the island of Borneo. The capital city is Kuching, the economic epicentre of the state. Other major cities include Sibu, Miri and Bintulu.

Sarawak is famous for its many ethnicities and cultures as well as its wild and beautiful rainforests. Its abundant natural resources, strategic location, rapidly improving infrastructure and forward-thinking state policies make it a magnet for business investors.

Below is a list of holidays for the Sarawakians and people who stayed in Sarawak will have in 2024. These dates may be changed as official changes are informed.

This list will help you plan your holidays in advanced and make your celebrations even merrier!

List of Public Holidays in Sarawak in 2024

Below is a list of public holidays in Sarawak for 2024:

1 JanMonNew Years
10 – 12 FebSat – MonChinese New Year
29 MarFriGood Friday
10 – 11 AprWed – ThuHari Raya Aidilfitri
1 MayWedLabour Day
22 MayWedWesak Day
1 – 4 Jun Sat – TueHari Gawai
3 JunMonAgong’s Birthday
17 JunMonHari Raya Haji
7 – 8 JulSun – MonAwal Muharram
22 JulMonSarawak Day
31 AugSatMerdeka Day
16 SepMonProphet Muhammad’s Birthday
16 – 17 Sep Mon – TueMalaysia Day
25 DecWedChristmas Day
Sarawak public holiday 2024
Sarawak public holiday 2024

If you want to know the dates of public holidays for Malaysia for the year 2024, read this article: Malaysian Public Holidays in 2024

Sarawak School Holiday 2024/2025

Based on the academic school calendar for the 2024/2025 session that has been released, three-term holidays will be taken by the students in Sarawak / Negeri Kumpulan B, namely:

  • Term 1 : 25.05.2024 – 02.06.2024
  • Term 2 : 14.09.2024 – 22.09.2024
  • Term 3 : 21.12.2024 -29.12.2024

As for the final school holidays, they fall on the following dates:

  • Group A : 17.01.2025 – 15.02.2025
  • Group B : 18.01.2025 – 16.02.2025
Sarawak public holiday 2024

As a reminder for parents, you can save the pdf file below: